Find New Clients Through Your Everyday Activities

As a virtual assistant it is important to share your services in a variety of ways.  Having a website is great, being on social media is important, but don’t forget to share what you do during normal daily activities.

Talk to the person working out next to you at the gym, share your skills at kids’ school activities, at church, at social gatherings, etc. You never know who may need your services.

It is important to have specific examples of how you can help someone make their life easier. It also can help that person identify someone who may need your services if they don’t.

You can discuss how you are:

  • Skilled in social media marketing
  • Great at transcription
  • A numbers person with a strong accounting background 
  • You may even have to explain what a virtual assistant is and how you started working as one

Be sure to give a way for people to contact you – email, visit a website, connect on social media, etc. if they or someone they know wants to...

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“I’m a virtual assistant” The Good, The Bad, and The Opportunity

The good news: Virtual assistance is quickly growing in popularity.
The bad news: A large part of the population doesn’t know virtual assistance exists.
The opportunity: You can help educate those people and may be just the solution they need!
Try this. Tell new people you meet that you are a virtual assistant. Chances are many of them will have a blank smile on their face. Their eyebrows may raise a little, and now and then you’ll get a little nod of the head. That seems to be the universal look for “Huh. That sounds interesting but I wonder what it is.” Guess what… That’s also the look of opportunity. You can be the person to introduce virtual assistance, and if they realize that they or someone else they know could benefit from a virtual working relationship and the services you provide, you have found a new client or referral source.
Of course you will need to be able to explain what a virtual assistant is in a way that they can...

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